Welcome to our portal site. This is our show Room for all clients, not for retail. This is a fastest growing trending business model in the market today. We have expanded our model business from Asia to Whole Europe. Also we have partnered with New zealand and Australian clients. Setup Client base, content creation and marketing for all clients is our main Motto. We work as one team with 1 million+ netgroup members, which allow us to help each others who need most.
Thank you for visiting us. Our focus area in detail as follows: content creation, webdesign & development, blog writting, app creation & integration to amazon, ETSY & eBay for our clients. We also have whole sale ecommerce business only for our dropshippers, business owners and online store owners. This is a sample store for our clients & Just work as show room for niche products that we sell as whole sell in the emerging constent changing market demands & urgents change in need. We do not sell products like retail, But our clients does.
We have 5 channels in Tiktok. Links are as follows: @Shop416.com, @store905.com, @bdcom.ca, @bangladesh2000.com, @islamdotlol,
& multiple e-Commerce & blog portal sites with more than 20 milion+ registered surfer accross our network sites like Shop416.com, Store905.com, Taxi.TK, Bangladesh.tk, BDcom.CA, BDcom.CA APP, bangladesh2000.com & eBay Site
All our client sites, who agreed to be in our page. Link are as follows: More than 100+ clients decided not to include their domain names in our portal. We respect their choices. || WeeLearn.ca || PSWDhaka.com || Islam.LOL
Our sites & business model established in Canada & USA with an extension to Russia, EU , Australia & New zealand
For sample look of "eBay" Affiliate Program & "Wholesale Store" please visit & follow the link: https://www.ebay.com/usr/banglad45/ || https://onlineshop.goaffpro.com
|| https://shop416.wed2c.com/ respectively.
We build drop-shipping ecommerce A to Z with full integration, app funnel based &. functionality for our clients. our app based websites can be download from apple store and Google play
We will set up any supplier to the live market, with custom targeted program. Your online success is our motto. Please do not hesitate to email us if you require to buy or sell your products through us. Please contact us through our contact form or you can also send us an email by [email protected] or call at 14167201605. You will be shipping your products from your place in no time and make money.
Upon any transactions happen online we will move the invoice to the seller's account. Our Ontario registered business license named TopBD.CA-Business License.
We are shipping 50% our products directly from Canada & USA ( whole sale only). Act Locally, Think globally! Let's local business in North America survive with quality and delivery.
Note: All the purchases will be in US currency. Conversion rate will be in real time from any other currency you may use.
We at Shop416.com pride ourselves with being one of the fastest growing e-commerce online stores for high quality products in reasonable prices from the first-line manufacturers. We strive to provide you with the latest high-quality products from direct manufacturer IN Canada, USA and China. KEEP IN MIND THAT 50% OF OUR PRODUCTS ARE SHIPPING FROM CANADA.
Affordable shipping options exist for every customer. Just shop, receive and enjoy your order in style. Worldwide shipping. Wherever you are, you can buy what you like from Shop416.com. Just click the "Buy Now" OR ADD CART button and the items will be delivered to you.
We take your satisfaction seriously and provide a professional, dedicated service for every single customer regardless of order size. Your support tickets will be replied quickly, while our class-leading Live Chat services offer real-time support whenever you need it.
If you have some questions, please do not hesitate to reach out via the contact page. We will get back to you ASAP.
Store905 Admin
Store905.com team
Note: All the purchases will be in US currency. Conversion rate will be in real time from any other currency you may use.